Really hoping for Cassandra/Mad Woman!

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1. Long Story Short/Wonderland. Fell down the rabbit hole into wonderland? *Chef's kiss* LSS is just one of my all time faves and I'm hoping to eventually get a tattoo of "long story short, I survived;"

2. I'm a little in between books, but I'm working my way through Naomi Novik's Temeraire series again.

3. I finally got over my pregnancy-induced egg allergy, so french toast is back on the menu! They're tied with waffles, and pancakes are in third.

4. He's really good at taking care of people, including me and our kid

5. It's not my favorite, but I get "gubernatorial" stuck in my head all of the time

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Oh this mashup just broke my brain a little bit! (In the best way)

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My husband is the person for 4. 🤦‍♀️

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1. When Emma Falls In Love / Jump Then Fall

2. Jane Austen At Home, by the historian Lucy Worsley. It's a biography of Jane Austen based around the places she lived. As an Austen fan, it's wonderful.

3. French toast, pancakes, waffles.

4. I think it's his steadiness. Like even when I am doing enough worrying for the both of us, he's there no matter what to reassure me and let me know everything will be OK. That sense of calm and 'not going anywhere' really means a lot.

5. I've always enjoyed 'erstwhile' (even though it also took me a while to learn the true meaning of it...)

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A fellow Austen fan! Permit me the observation, but that mashup feels very Austeny - don’t you think? Also what a wonderful counterbalance to find in someone - ty for sharing. 💚

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1. Holy Ground x Cornelia Street , my two favorite songs that remind me of my two favorite people and somehow completely work together. Just imagine "We had this big wide city all to ourselves / I get mystified by how this city screams your name"

(and have to say here that I was #blessed to get the full version of IDWLF at Chicago night 2- the blink back of tears was heartbreaking but the song was everything)

2. Still slowly savoring TSS and, since I am always reading at least two books at a time (it's the librarian in me), When the World Tips Over by Jandy Nelson- so good.

3. I could never. There is always a case for any of these, especially if powdered sugar, whipped cream, and/or fresh strawberries are involved. Or maybe I'm just hungry...

4. How he is just my constant companion, support, and cheerleader, even when I get mad mad mad. Plus he carries my groceries and now I'm always laughin ;0)

5. Been saying "viscerally" alot. Which, like yours, feels very apropos as of late.

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Nov 21Edited

I am so excited!!! My show is Dec. 8!!!!! I kind of want to hear "Christmas Tree Farm" ... is that stupid?!

Your dream surprise song mashup?

Stay Beautiful x Paris (I don't know if this works thematically but it works for me in my head)

What are you reading right now?

Intermezzo by Sally Rooney

Please rank: Waffles vs pancakes vs french toast.

Challah French toast then waffles from Waffle House then pancakes

What do you love most in the person you love most?

My husband does his very best to set me up for success every day.

What’s a “vocab” word you’re into?

koan: it's an idea or thought to meditate on

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